Other Engineering

Handbag Design from Rural India

26_mThe Gandhi Rural Rehabilitation Center (GRRC) was founded in 1983 to create jobs, such as weaving, tailoring, and embroidery, for low-income, handicapped individuals in the area. However, the center has been producing many of the same designs for at least nine years, leading to decreased consumer interest in the GRRC’s products, and therefore, decreased income for its workers.

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Superstar Case Study

13Analyze multiple R&D projects using the spreadsheet based Business/Project analysis tool and make decision on which of the 15 projects will be funded.

Learning Goals

  1. Discuss how companies make choice among multiple projects due to limited resources and the need to prioritize among them
  2. Understand the relationship between company wide critical success factors, their relative importance, and how these are used in prioritizing among projects
  3. Analyze multiple R&D projects using the Business/Project analysis tool
  4. Communicate recommendations, negotiate with others, and come up with final list of prioritized projects that best ensure business success

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Telemedicine Case Study

28To help improve the accessibility and quality of medical care for those living in small towns and rural areas, many organizations, both public and private, are turning to the emerging technology of telemedicine. Telemedicine, being a subset of telehealth, uses communications networks for delivery of healthcare services and medical education from one geographical location to another, primarily to address challenges like uneven distribution and shortage of infrastructural and human resources.

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